Olga Dobrowolska

I am a professional lawyer in the field of legalization of stay and employment of foreigners in Poland

About me

My name is Olga, I am a professional lawyer in the field of legalization of stay and employment of foreigners in Poland.
I specialize in migration and refugee law.

As a result of my work Belarusians can benefit from the so-called humanitarian residence permits and Polish travel documents free of charge.
Current activity
I have been a head of the legal assistance department at the Belarusian Solidarity Center for 4 years and actively participating in the work of the working group dealing with the legalization of the stay of Belarusian citizens at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I provide legal assistance to foreigners, employers, and non-governmental organizations in the fields of migration, refugee and labor law on a daily basis.

In addition, I conduct training and prepare reports and publications in the field of human rights, migration law, and integration.

My scientific interests focus on procedural guarantees of foreigners in procedures before public administration bodies, i.e. how to effectively exercise their rights before offices.


I provide comprehensive legal assistance to private clients and companies in the fields of:
Legalization<br/>of stay
of stay
Employment<br/>of foreigners
of foreigners
Trainings in the field<br/>of migration law
Trainings in the field
of migration law
Preparation of <br/>a documents
Preparation of
a documents

What does a consultation with me look like?

During the consultation, I will thoroughly review your situation.

You can tell me all the relevant details and provide documents if you have any.
I analyze both the facts, i.e. what happened, and the legal status, i.e. what law applies to your situation.
Together we decide on steps to resolve the situation:

Based on the analysis, I will present you an action plan.

This may include various possible strategies, procedural steps, documents to be prepared or any other actions that need to be taken to resolve the situation.

Sign up for a consultation

My main goal is to strive to create a just society, based on respect for the rights of everyone, regardless of the origin.
Olga Dobrowolska
Olga Dobrowolska| Immigration Lawyer